Carbacid (CO<sub>2</sub>) Limited East Africa's leading producer of natural food grade carbon dioxide.

Community Engagement

Commemorative plaques for fence project donors

At Carbacid, we recognise our social responsibilities as a corporate citizen and are conscious that our business success depends on the good will and prosperity of the community in which we operate. We believe in adding value to the community by investing in its economic and social development. We have a structured continuous social responsibility programme aimed at addressing some of the social, environmental and economic challenges facing the local community.

Our social responsibility is integrated in our business strategies, operational practices and our human resources policies. We involve employees in our activities which include projects in education, community work and the environment. We are managing a number of projects ranging from Environment to Education, Humanitarian and Wildlife conservation.

To prevent any illegal exploitation of the forest habitat and promote the sustainable use of forest products for the benefit of both present and future generations, Carbacid actively participated in Rhino Ark project, for the building of a guard house and electrified fence in Kereita Forest, which is part of the Aberdares Conservation Area.

Other projects that Carbacid is been involved with include:

  • Working with KENVO, a community based organization with membership drawn from the local residents bordering the Keirita Forest. KENVO seeks to conserve the biologically rich Kikuyu Escarpment Forests and other natural resources for their biodiversity importance and support to the livelihoods of the local community.
  • Providing assistance by way of food and provisions to IDPs in the wake of the post-election violence that rocked Kenya in 2008.
  • Greening of the Kerieta Forest by planting indigenous seedlings.
  • Providing bursaries to "O" Level students and financial assistance to local schools for infrastructure development.
  • Hosting a community health awareness event annually on World Aids Day.
Electrified fence in the Aberdares Conservation area

A portion of the electrified fence in the Aberdares Conservation area, designed to protect the area's wildlife and prevent human encroachent into the conservation area.